“Special Concretes” with 8 on-line Lectures corresponding to the 8 Chapters from 17 to 24 of the textbook “The New Concrete”.
The price
is 200 € + VAT;
in case one wants to follow even this second on-line course this price does not include the book “The New Concrete”: the book may be bought on www.encoshop.com. A Chinese version of the book is available in China where it is published by “China Building Material Industry Press”.
For a better quality of the listening and a deeper concentration on the lectures please use the earphones
More details on the subjects of each Lecture are in the Index of the Textbook (from Chapter 17 to 24) of book “The New Concrete”
Each person must communicate to our email address (info@encosrl.it) the day of initiation: from this date there are 50 days to follow the lectures of the course. At the end of each lecture there is a self-evaluation of knowledge based on questions with right and wrong answers. At the end of the course, the candidate can ask a final exam based on: numerical exercises on concrete mixtures, answers to quizzes and prescriptions of concrete.
the textbook adopted for the online courses is the second revised edition of The New Concrete authored by Mario Collepardi. An Index of the textbook is available to read all the details of the subjects which will be examined in the Lectures of the two Courses. Some Reviews of the first edition of the book are available from the best international concrete people. Some excerpted pages of the book are available to assess its quality in terms of printing. Other versions of the textbook are available:- in Chinese (www.jccbs.com.cn);- in Czech (Informacni Centrum CKAIT, Sololska 15, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic);- in Italian. AS AN EXAMPLE SEE FOR FREE THE FIRST LECTURE (Click here to see and listen to a demo). The slides of the first lecture are available to see how the subjects are presented by a special technique based on the segmentation and movement of the projected slides accompanied by the oral comment: this technique facilitates the understanding of the presentation, specially by people whose mother tongue is not English.
You can do the inscription and the payment through internet on www.encoshop.com section ON LINE COURSES or you can send a mail with your data to info@encosrl.it.